Looking to buy tickets? Visit the Eventfinda website here.

Create Promo codes

These are used to provide discounted tickets to special groups.

Log in

Log in to Eventfinda Promoter Portal with your account.

Go to Events

From the Dashboard, click on Events in the top left corner to view all your events and select which event you wish to create Promo Codes for. Alternatively, click Promo Codes to get started creating codes immediately.

Select Promo Codes

Click the drop-down arrow next to Manage Ticketing and select Promo Codes from the list.

Create promo code

Click on the Create Promo Code button. Skip to Step 12 if you wish to Email Promo Codes directly to recipients.

Choose Sessions and Tickets

In the next screen, select the Sessions and Ticket Types this promo code applies for. In the example attached: we selected them by ticking the green box next to General Admission and Concession beneath both sessions.

Enter unique code

Eventfinda randomises a unique promo code for you to use or you can enter your own. You can enter multiple codes at once or just one code

What is the promotion for?

Enter a Description signifying what the promotion is for, and enter the Discount percent or dollar amount. For example: your promotion could be $5 off full price, OR 10% off every ticket type.

Enter Max Redemptions

Include Max Redemptions if you wish to limit the number of times this promotion can be used overall.

Include Available From and Available To dates

Enter the dates that you would like to specify an Available From and Available To dates and times for the promotion.

Create Promo Code

Click on the Create Promo Code button to save. Your Promo Code is now created.


Share your Promo Code link

You will then see your Promo Codes.


You can copy and paste the link to share to your ticketholders or give them the code to enter.


To find the link again, click the question mark next to 'purchase link' under the promo code.

ALTERNATIVE OPTION: Steps to Email Promo Codes

If you wish to email Promo Codes directly within the portal, click Email Promo Codes.

Create your Email Promo Codes

Add your Promo Code details as shown in the previous steps.

Add recipients

Add your email recipients.  You can send promo codes out to your database/or a group of email addresses. The recipients will recieve a unique code per user email.

Customise email

The email is set up and ready to go but you can edit the subject line and add a personal message in the box provided. Click Send Promo Codes.


Now the recipients that the codes were sent to are displayed and you will see when they are redeemed.

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