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Complimentary tickets

This feature is for complimentary $0 tickets (comps) to special guests for your event. This functionality is only available once the event is published.

Log in

Log in to Eventfinda Promoter Portal with your account.

Go to Events

From the Dashboard, click on Events in the top left corner to view all your events and select which event you wish to create Comp Tickets for. Alternatively, click Comp Tickets to get started creating them immediately.

Select event to add comp tickets to

From the Dashboard, click on Events and on the event you want to add the comp ticket to, click Manage Ticketing and select Comp tickets from the drop down. Complimentary e-tickets are free (up to 50% of the event's sold ticket volume).

Choose tickets

In the next screen, select a hold to issue the tickets from if required. If you leave blank, the comp tickets will come out of the general pool of tickets available to the general public.


Select the session the comp tickets are for and the ticket type to attach them to.


This helps you report on the value of complimentary tickets your organisation has given away.

Add email addresses

You can choose to enter a list of email address recipients (or copy and paste these from a spreadsheet or word document) and click Continue.



Review email recipients

Confirm and review the list of recipients that will receive complimentary tickets.




Preview complimentary email

You can preview the email that will be sent with the complimentary tickets. You can edit the subject line and there is a section to add your own optional message.

Send Free Tickets

Click on the Send Free Tickets button to issue the comps. The tickets will go into the queue and will be issued after a few moments.

View Issued Complimentary Tickets

To view the comps issued for the event, click on Comp Tickets again and click 'Complimentary Tickets Issued'. This will show you details on each order.

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