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Eventfinda Connect
Selecting your plan

Log in

Log in to the Eventfinda Promoter Portal with your account details.

Your current plan

Your current plan is displayed on the top bar of the portal.  Click on the name e.g. 'Free', to display what's included in that plan. You can also view your current plan and all plans and pricing by clicking Connect on the left-hand menu.

Upgrade plan

Click the upgrade plan button. This will take you to the Eventfinda Connect plans page. Select the plan you want to upgrade to for instant access to its features.

Confirm upgrade

The pop up will ask you to confirm the change to your plan.

Enter payment details

Enter your payment details. The details you enter will be charged the applicable amount for your selected plan each month.

Plan updated

Once payment is processed, you'll see a confirmation that your plan has been updated.

Change plan

If you decide that you no longer wish to access the extra features provided in your plan, you can change it by clicking on the 'Select' button for a different plan.


The change in your monthly fee will be effective from the end of your billing period. If you move down to a Free plan, you will no longer be charged after the end of your billing period.


Please note, if you move down plans and have a current event listed that includes premium features e.g. video, these will be removed at the end of the billing period.

Cancel plan

Alternatively, if you click the cancel plan button it will revert your access to the Eventfinda Connect Free plan. This will be effective from the end of your billing period - the date of which will be displayed in the confirmation pop-up.

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