Looking to buy tickets? Visit the Eventfinda website here.

Postpone, cancel or mark your event as sold out

As New Zealand's primary source for event and live entertainment information, we encourage promoters to communicate event changes and critical information to their audience in a timely manner

Log in

Login to your Eventfinda Promoter Portal account. To change an event listing without ticketing services, you can change the event status from your Eventfinda account.

Go to the Events tab

Go to the Events tab in the top left hand menu.


Under each event listing, you'll see a button to Manage Event.


Click Manage Event and select from the dropdown to Postpone, Cancel or Sold Out.


Save and continue to push the event change through.

If your event is being ticketed by Eventfinda

If your event is being Ticketed by Eventfinda, you'll need to contact the ticketing team directly to flag your event as Cancelled or Postponed in case there are ticketholders that need to be managed. Contact the Account Managers at ticketing@eventfinda.co.nz


We don't delete cancelled events from the site as it's important people can see it's been cancelled rather than thinking they can't find it and it's still on.

What happens next?

For ticketing events:

  • If the event is cancelled, we'll mark it as such, notify ticketholders and process their refunds
  • If the event is postponed with a confirmed date, we'll change the date and notify ticketholders — their tickets remain valid for the new date and if they cannot attend the new date we'll issue a refund
  • If the event is postponed and the new date has not been decided, we'll add the postponed flag, notify ticketholders and change the date once it has been set
Can't find the answer?We’re here to help.
09 365 2342
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