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Transfer Tickets

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On the Events Dashboard, navigate to your event and click Ticketholders to find the customer’s order.


Find the order and select it

This will bring you to a list of orders that have been made for this event.


You can find the order that needs to be transferred by searching the ticketholder's name, email address used for the booking, or the Order ID as written on their ticket.


Click the Order ID.


This will take you to the Order detail where you can transfer the ticket.



Click Transfer Tickets

If a transfer is possible and you are in the correct organisation, you will see a yellow button to Transfer Tickets.





Select All Tickets to Transfer

All tickets will automatically be selected. Click to the next page.



Please note that partial transfers cannot be done without an Eventfinda staff's support, please email ticketing@eventfinda.co.nz with your requirements.

Swapping session

Choose the session and ticket types you require to transfer to.


Match the quantity of the session the ticketholder wants to be moved to with how many tickets they have. Then make the old session 0 quantity.


If a seating map is being used, you can select the new seats from the map.


Ticketholder's Details

On the next page, the ticketholder's contact details should carry over. If there are contact tracing questions, you can copy/paste the same name/number for all of them. Then Proceed To Checkout button at the bottom.

Complete Transfer

If the transfer total matches up, you'll see a yellow bar at the top of the page. Click Complete Transfer in the lower right corner and it will email the new tickets to the ticketholder.


If the transfer totals do not match, you'll have to readjust the tickets to make them match or refund the ticketholder so they can repurchase.

Can't find the answer?We’re here to help.
09 365 2342
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