Looking to buy tickets? Visit the Eventfinda website here.

Virtual events - the ticketholder process

Book tickets

Go to Eventfinda and find the event you wish to purchase ticket for.


Click on the 'BUY TICKETS' button.

Select tickets

Select the number of tickets required.

Contact Details

All ticketholders are required to add contact details, or if you already have an Eventfinda account this information will automatically populate.


Ticketholder information is available to the event organiser 24/7, and is compliant with data protection legislation.

Make payment

Make payment for the purchase with any debit or credit card.

Purchase confirmation

Purchase confirmation allows the tickerholder to download their tickets.

Ticket for access

The ticket has all the information expected on a standard event ticket. The added information on how to access the video content and a direct link to it on the ticket.

When the stream is ready to start

Tickerholders return to the event page they originally purchased from. When the content is available the access bar at the top of the page will count down to the stream being open.


To access the stream the tickerholder enters their ticket code from the ticket they hold.


This code is checked back against the event database and if valid, access is granted to the stream.

Stream is live

Once access is granted the event can be viewed. Depending on the event set up, access might be available to view once, or for a period of time.



For more information and troubleshooting, have a look at this FAQ.

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09 365 2342
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